Meanie thinks she is hot stuff
Wow, things have really gotten ugly over on Meanie's comments page. While the rest of the world has moved on, Meanie just won't let it go. I cannot believe the hundreds, literally hundreds and hundreds of comments made by the same small handful of people that are just nasty, mean and frankly stupid. It appears that they enjoy that sort of thing.
In my last post we looked a bit at all the strange goings-on regarding that cease & desist letter circulated by SW. But honestly, who cares? It has nothing to do with the trial and nobody cares. Either it is a real letter from a lawyer representing MDLR (doubtful), a fake by SW (probably), or a publicity stunt by Meanie herself (maybe). If you can make it through the comments of Meanie's page, you will see that Meanie and Sammie (Meanie's hat) claim that the letter is not a fake and was an actual letter received from MDLR's email via Feedback on the Examiner webpage. They say it was a real letter but they do not believe it to have any merit. Funny though, because Meanie has failed to mention MDLR by name ever since. She lets the other meanies do that for her. Nobody cares anyway. It has nothing to do with the trial and is just more #bloggerdrama. I bet Meanie wishes Nurmi would file a motion against her, that would bring in a bunch more readers for sure! Hmmm note to self, roadtrip?
There has always been a troll problem over there on Meanie's comments page.
A few weeks ago, RBMD, aka Kelly, rallied her readers to go to Meanie's page and help defend Meanie who was being attacked by mean trolls. Last week Meanie had to take down comments pages on some select articles (especially the ones where people criticized what she wrote) because of mean trolls. Now the latest not-the-trial news by Meanie is is that all the trolls are Kelly. Apparently I am also a troll and I am also Kelly. Really? I am not the only reader who chose not to bother going over there any more, but according to the meanies, we are all the same person and we are all the troll and we are all Kelly. I finally just opted to use this blog instead to voice my thoughts, vs be attacked by meanies. Personally I do not thrive on being insulted just because I don't agree with you. Somebody with anger issues named "Jane" deserves a special mention for winning the gold star in making herself look ridiculous. The scary thing is she is proud of herself and her juvenile rants. Meanie applauds her and says "You tell 'em gf!" Contrary to Jane, at least Meanie and Meanie's hat have some brains in their head, even if they are mean brains. Scrolling through comments, you can watch them dance with the trolls and egg each other on. It's just ridiculousness at its finest.
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Everybody is jealous |
Jealousy is the other main subject of the intellectual and stimulating discussions going on over there. I have seen that word so many times, it is apparent, that everyone else's jealousy of Meanie is an important undercurrent of everything Meanie has to say.
In honor of Meanie's writing style, I will now insert a bunch of quotes of stuff other people said. Please note, not a single one of these people being "served" (Meanie's words not mine) claim to be Kelly, nor do I personally think they are Kelly. Some I believe are legitimate users who disagree with her, others just real live mean trolls trying to stir up drama. The following very professional journalist jealousy references and Kelly conspiracy theory quotes are directly from the comments page on the article about Dr.Demarte, mostly from Meanie herself, and a few bonus quotes from Jane and Meanie's hat,
"You poor jealous sap"
"Say hai to 'kelly' for me. Tell her the alias nonsense is childish and if she wants to say something to me to put her big girl pants on and just do it, mmk?"
"You're so jealous you can't see straight. Meanie wins again."
"Aw i'm sowwy there isn't anybody to 'like' your posts...did someone instruct or shall we say influence you to come and slam my article?"
"Promise, 'kelly'?"
"Remember Carmen said that. I think she's forgetting which alias she's using."
(That one was for me!

"Kelly, kelly, kelly"
"Kelly, Kelly, Kelly, Kelly, Kelly, Kelly, Kelly, Kelly, K-E-L-L-Yyyyyyyyy"
"Don't you find it strange that O Hai got awfully angry with you after you exposed Kelly?"
"I do find it interesting that 'Not Kellys' response to you included the word 'fear' a lot...'Not Kelly Kelly Kelly' is talking a LOT about not being scared, huh?"
"Liar, liar pants on fire attention ho! Shut it wind bag. Go play in traffic. Your drool is useless here."
"He's a jealous blogger who only writes poor garbage."
"Meanie is a trained journalist and is very good at it. Trust me. I know what I'm talking about."
"Why are you so jealous of journalists?"
"All 'NotKelly' slash 'Faker' knows how to do is cut and paste and plagiarize other people...she is too busy scamming other people for money for herself on her 'don't let me freeze to death and die of hypothetmia' blog."
"Maybe you should call your welfare people and tell them that you need more money in your meds budget."
"They are also not supposed to be colluding with bloggers to stalk and harrass reporters (Meanie) either."
"Wanna banana tubby? Why you feel the need to create all these fake accounts...Now get your fat azz back to Kelly's blog."
"That's a lot of rage you have going on, Faker. What's really the matter?..what is it Muffin? What's really buggin' ya? That yall got busted again?"
"Your transparent alias is too long so I'm going to start calling you 'Faker', mm k?"
"It sounds like a jealous beast to me."
"I know of special sweaters that hug you the WHOLE time you are wearing them! Maybe I need to send that blogger a couple lol."
"Stop libeling me with your are a known liar and plagiarist...where I in one of the wealthiest towns in a house on a family compound in a high tax base"
(Seriously, who says that?)
"All of the iron clad facts that I have reported check out."
(Says who? Reminder: "The Examiner does not control Content...nor guarantee truthfulness, integrity, suitability, or quality"
"Aww hit a nerve did I? lol that actually makes my day."
"You tell her gf. She's losing it. Shouldn't she be over consoling Cha Cha?...I thought she told everyone on her blog not to harass you. Whatever happened to THAT?!"
"Thank you! I actually am a Brainiac and appreciate the compliment. Unlike yourself, I am not however mentally ill....So it's either you writing this, or your pot smoking atheist 'husband'..."
"If only you knew how to use that word correctly. But that's ok we understand. There's not much time to study vocabulary after you spend your days making up lies, begging for money..., and plagiarizing blog content. I do get a nice little laugh every time you say out loud I am copying you since everyone knows who the real plagiarist and liar is. That's why you don't have any readers any more sweetie."
"I've already proven you aren't smarter than me."
"Learn to read mind midget...You're just another scamming troll like her."
"Do you think you and George will share a cell? Seems you two are an item. How gay are you?"
"That is lame and makes you look pathetic."
"Says the troll using multiple accts to prove what a lowlife lunatic she is."
"Words from someone who hides behind the truth don't bother me, or my journalist friends. Why do you hate us much? Never mind. We know it's jealousy."
"Journalist. Do you like, start to itch and stuff and get sweaty and hivey every time you hear that word or something? Journalist. It's weird how much that word bothers you. That is not in any range of sane whatsoever. Journalist. Your failure to accept what is does not change that it is. Journalist. Want some Benadryl?"
"No see, because I am a journalist that submits to a news desk...because I'm here working my journalisty news job.."
"...are you just back here under another alias after someone not very cleverly named 'Not Kelly' got her a$$ handed to her this morning. Watching yall melt down is, as Jane said, rather enjoyable. Thank you!"
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"Let me assure you that I am not obsessing over this the way you want me to" |
So, does a true professional behave this way in a public forum? Even if being attacked by trolls, the answer is NO.
Just sayin'.
Oh Carmen, I was sent a sheet of the comments there (with the aliases) and could not make heads nor tails of any of it. Did you ever see a real snake pit? A pit where there are hundreds of snakes all slithering over each other? If you look real close, you see that many of them have their mouths around anothers' tail. THAT is what that page now looks like to me.
ReplyDeleteEvidently, we are ALL Kelly because......well, why not. Maybe they are there only to see themselves in a print format and congratulate themselves on being 'the IT people', I don't know. I DO know, that when comments are made on Twitter just saying that something is low or mean, you are attacked and then blocked and it is eye-opening to see just WHO is all blocking you. (sigh). It is all so tiresome and boring. Really. How can they be the 'IT" girls/guys/newts if they are home Fri and Sat nights sitting at computers at home?
Yep! Thanks pirate :D great imagery with the snake pit!