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We are all Kelly! |
Oh-tay. I would be insulted except oh gee, according to you, I don't get your references since I am from a trailer park, I am uneducated, and I cannot live up to the intellectual standards of the "reader base" on your bully blog. Are you serious? Trailer park? Really? From the start, I was just trying to stand up for an underdog who I felt was being bullied by a bunch of mean girls with nothing better to do. But now I am beginning to take it all rather personally. What is wrong with you Meanie? Don't you strive to be a "professional journalist" and "reporter"? Why do you continue to surround yourself with people who demonstrate such a lack of moral character? As for those "people", I won't even bother, as arguments just go in one ear and out their ass. Yeah, if you didn't notice, I decided this is my blog afterall, and I can say ass if I want to.
You see, I really don't like confrontation. At all. Usually in my day to day life I completely avoid confrontation of any kind at all costs. I was just a trial watcher, who stumbled across some ladies with an exaggerated opinion of their own importance. I am just a mom, who happens to have an amazing little family, and an otherwise happy existence. But you meanies got me all worked up. My husband thought he had enough worries when I was all upset about jodiarias. Whodathunk I would have ended up here on my soapbox? Not me. He teases me now every time I have something to say, whether it's about the bills or the laundry or the neighbor's dog knocking over the garbage, saying "why don't you write a blog about it?" My little boy is proud of me "are you writing another article mom?" for standing up to a bunch of meanies. My life is good without the bs. But I just can't help myself.

a reader or Disqus user, unless you have passed rush week with the
dingbats running the show over on Meanie's comments pages, you might as
well give up trying to have a worthwhile discussion about anything. If
you are not part of the lovie-dovie "you tell 'em gf"
you-kiss-my-ass-i'll-kiss-yours club, you might as well forget it. It
left me discouraged with the human race and inspired me to publish my
opinion here.
just hope for people to think for themselves instead of jumping on a
lynch mob bandwagon. I would like for people to reconsider how they
interact with and treat other people on Twitter and online in general.
Say what you want, and justify all you want, rbmbs is nothing but a
bully blog intended to hurt somebody. I don't believe the
self-proclaimed innocent "just for fun" noble intentions any more than I
believed Meanie's noble intentions when she wrote her catfish article.
small group of angry friends has taken me back many years to highschool
hallways where I was too intimidated to stand up for myself or others,
or say what I thought and stand up for what is right. Kindness is right.
Empathy is right. Forgiveness is right. Relentless hateful propoganda
about another person is NOT RIGHT*. So I will keep saying it as long as
you keep saying otherwise. I've seen much talk of "hiding behind
aliases" and "chickenshit anonymity" which I find quite hypocritical,
considering that I am arguing with a "Wife" and a "Tie". Yeah, enough
with "Bunny" and "Meanie's hat". It is what it is.
*(disclaimer: unless that person is a convicted murderer!)
would a "journalist" associate herself so closely with such a trashy
blog? The obvious is obvious, because these people praise Meanie, and
make her feel important. Meanie likes to feel important. What about
professional courtesy to your audience? To the public? To readers
everywhere? If your intention was to insult us, you have succeeded. I
have said it before and I'll say it again, no one can expect to be
friends with everyone on the internet; but if you are a professional in a
public forum, when you start insulting and judging your readers and
people that you do not know, you are digging yourself into a hole.
nannynannybooboos have continued on Twitter, same old boring insults,
though not directly to me. And now they are deflecting, calling me and
others bullies for calling them out as bullies. For the record, I never
called anyone a whore. I do not know who did or where. Never in my life
did I call anyone a whore. I do openly admit that I referred to Bunny as
a DrunkenHousewife in a tweet yesterday - though my purpose was not
namecalling, it was to hint readers to her "real name" that has
something to do with Martinis and something to do with being a Wife.
as for Kelly, RBMD, who has already been royally thrown under the bus -
I am not her. I am also not a troll. I am also not SW or joesantos or O
Hai or any of those nasty buggers on anybody's comments pages. If I
make comments anywhere I use my name, and I do not sneak in any jabs.
That is not me. I do not threaten people. I am appalled at some of the
horrific and sometimes scary things I see people saying out there. I
don't know why the meanie club still thinks everybody is the same person
with bunch of aliases. Tinfoil hat, anyone? If that subject interests
you, just check out my last blog post, "One step forward two steps back"
for a few zillion examples.
I am a real person (no, I will not send you documentation for that!)
I enjoy Twitter and all the interesting discussions we have, and all of the funny, talented, and smart folks that I have met online in the course of this trial seeking JUSTICEFORTRAVISALEXANDER. What I find disgusting is that hideous blog, where some people have made a hobby out of being pointedly, relentlessly and regularly mean. We can talk definitions of "parody" and "bully" all day long, but rbmbs is intentionally and determinedly cruel. I have previously acknowledged the fact that whatever may have happened may have hurt people, but this persistent viciousness cannot be justified. No matter what you say, or what Kelly did or didn't do to you, your endless mockery IS bullying. And the icing on the cake is that the "journalist" who broke this story, this story that stinks of a personal grudge, that no real reporter would touch with a 10-foot pole, is not only allowing the bullying, but encouraging it.
I enjoy Twitter and all the interesting discussions we have, and all of the funny, talented, and smart folks that I have met online in the course of this trial seeking JUSTICEFORTRAVISALEXANDER. What I find disgusting is that hideous blog, where some people have made a hobby out of being pointedly, relentlessly and regularly mean. We can talk definitions of "parody" and "bully" all day long, but rbmbs is intentionally and determinedly cruel. I have previously acknowledged the fact that whatever may have happened may have hurt people, but this persistent viciousness cannot be justified. No matter what you say, or what Kelly did or didn't do to you, your endless mockery IS bullying. And the icing on the cake is that the "journalist" who broke this story, this story that stinks of a personal grudge, that no real reporter would touch with a 10-foot pole, is not only allowing the bullying, but encouraging it.
Carmen: i have loved every single plot post you've written, and in each, you've asked for an end to the "nonsense". The entire situation reminds me of an argument my 3 year old son had with one of his little friends 38 years ago. "You kicked my truck!" "Well you threw sand at me!" "Well you said my sister was short!" "Well, you said my brother was short!" "Well, you said...." It gave me a headache then, and trying to avoid the shrapnel from this "disagreement" is giving me a huge migraine NOW!" We readers of BOTH blogs were dragged into this "bloggerdrama" on January 24th. It's now February 16th. This "spat" has been going on for more than THREE weeks now! Any "normal" person would have gotten over it already! WHATEVER Kelly did or did not DO, the BS to make her "pay" for her "sins" needs to stop! IF whatever she did is illegal, call the police, let them handle it, and then stop already with the hateful posts. If you want to hate someone, no one can stop you, but you are using your energy and talent in a way that serves no one, including yourself. The emotions you are using to "hate" someone could be used instead to love someone; your parents, spouse or children. Each moment you spend creatively putting words of contempt together to express your disdain of Kelly, Sandra or MDLR are moments stolen from your children, from your families. And once those moments, days and months are gone, you'll never have them again! One other thought...the longer you continue to write about the same "sin", the less power your words have, it's "old hat", old news, we already know what you think...the phrase "beating a dead horse" comes to mind. Carmen isn't the ONLY one who feels like this is all "personal grudge", she's just the one who has the abilities and fortitude to stand up to the cruelty and bullying thrown out. (And I applaud her for having the courage to do so!). So, enough, already, Drunk Housewife! Let's all get on with living our lives fully, and not measure our accomplishments by how many hateful or cruel comments we have on a blog post! If you want to BE a "journalist", do some real research, find something NEWSWORTHY to report, instead of acting like a gossip monger. If your life suddenly ended tomorrow, is what you've done over the past three weeks the memory that you would want people to remember you by? You ARE what you DO! There is nothing "heroic" about writing hateful posts, and they stopped being funny two weeks ago. Move on with your lives, and live them fully, with love, not hate. Thank you Carmen, for your words, and bravery to say what is in your heart,
ReplyDeleteWow MamaVia, tell us how you really feel, haha! :D thank you for sharing your thoughts! Thank you for the sweet compliment and thank you for your support!
DeleteWell, Carmen, everyone knows I'm extremely *shy*, rarely speak above a whisper and have no independent thoughts...(riiiiiiight!) I think that we all forget that we are not as perfect as we wish we were...and it hurts when someone reminds us of our failure to be the best we can. I've noticed in the last few days that some comments are not as abusive as they once were...there is no telling what/who instigated the change, I'm just happy that the change is occurring. I'm grateful to you for your part in the "change"...perhaps all it took was a disinterested party to reveal her view of the silliness?
DeleteCarmen, Again I just have to thank you for putting into words what many have thought/spoken of in the last few weeks.
ReplyDeleteA "journalist" isn't (or shouldn't ) be a gossip monger.
A 'parody blog' that goes on a drunken rant that makes zero sense is not 'parody'.
A gazillion aliases used to hide identities is childish. (If you have something to say, be man/woman enough to put your NAME to it)
A chorus line of Martini's/Hats/ Ties (where is the jock-strap, or is that next up?) all babbling and patting each other on the back is NOT what should pass for intelligent commentary.
While the 'journalist' once had interesting commentary on her 'blog' (yes, it's a BLOG, not a newspaper), it has now devolved into the type that is posted on the JAII site: fantasy/conspiracy/and magical thinking. It would not longer surprise me if they got into a discussion of 'shadows on the grassy-knoll'.
I would suggest that it has now become a 'private/inside-joke/let's praise our superiority and raise our self-esteem' blog rather than one that is thought provoking or encourages good dialog.
Good evaluation! I meant to comment on one of your earlier posts, Pirate, but "real life" interrupted. The private/inside joke really isn't interesting to the majority of readers...(and it's almost masterbratory, in that it is self-serving and the only one having fun, is the one doing it) I've enjoyed your comments every time I see them!
DeleteThank you Pirate! You are a smart lady! Thanks for your support against the meanies :D
DeleteSo "carmen" you've all enjoyed painting me as the bad guy here, name calling and all (oops) but this, is why I write my blog. Read it. Digest it. If you are truly "unbiased" as you call yourself, you may actually see my rationale. It's is neither a "drunken rant" nor the words of a journalist. Like you, I see an indignity, an affront to my sensibilities that must be exposed. Read it.
Unfortunately, I have read it. It may soothe your conscience, should you ever find you have one, but true compassion would have you drop your asinine ideations. As I read your last post, I have to ask who NOW is trying to be holier-than-thou; who is NOW trying to be more 'heroic'? Perhaps you should read it aloud in front or a mirror.
ReplyDeleteNo Bunny, bad Bunny! Just because Pirate does not agree with you or your mean blog does not make her a koolaid drinker, that is just being mean again lady! Good grief. I am a sensible and caring person. I will go read your post, because you asked me to and so it must be important to you. That shows you care. Though your tone was kind of bossy, it seems that you may actually be trying to communicate in a not-mean way, and that is progress.
ReplyDeleteYou're all hopeless just like the families who tried so desperately to save their loved ones from Jonestown. My god have mercy on your souls.
ReplyDeleteGirl! I didn't even have time to read & digest as you suggested, and now this remark? New post is up, A letter for Bunny....