Thursday, February 26, 2015

Recipe for Justice

Recipe for Justice

1 loving generous guy
1 narcissistic succubus
Add a dash of sex, and a pinch of religion

Blend in
2 best friends
2 ex girlfriends
1 love interest
1 trip to cancun
1 rental car, white
3 gascans
1 box of hair color
1 tbsp KY jelly
1 gun
1 knife
1 camera
1 adorable dog
1 broken-hearted family

1 soft-spoken meticulous detective
1 brilliant passionate prosecutor

Bring to a boil. 

Now put on low and add
1 humongous slimeball
1 screechy willnut, grated
1 quart of chacha 
1/2 cup of sherry

Fold in
1 hot medical examiner
2 or 3 ripe dummies
1 smart cookie
1 bishop
3 computer geeks

Mix all ingredients together and simmer for 7 years. Add lies as needed. 

On the side 
Take 1 mom and throw under bus. Next add a hundred fools, a thousand reporters, a million caring supporters, and a zillion tweets and stir. More may be added for individual taste.

Cover and bring slowly to boiling point.

Pick 18 jurors. Place in collander and rinse with cold water. Carefully remove any that may cause others to spoil until you are left with a dozen. Be careful that the jurors do not mix with the sidedish or they may have to be thrown out. Keep 2 on hand just in case.

To finish, slowly pour the main dish over the jurors into a crockpot and set aside in jury room until the succubus is done. 
Sprinkle with hope and love for garnish.

Serve immediately.
Bon appetit!

Tuesday, February 24, 2015


Just a quick note about today. What a beautiful day of solidarity in the pursuit of #JUSTICEFORTRAVISALEXANDER. So many wonderfully smart and caring people rallying together to show their support. My heart is full of love and hope for his friends and family that soon he may finally rest in peace and soon they may at long last have some form of closure and deliverance from their heartache. My thoughts are with them as this nightmare of a trial is coming to an end. Hold on we're almost there!

Saturday, February 21, 2015

Turning the page

Whew. Well last week was exhausting I must admit. There is no reasoning with an impossible person.

Bunny came at me and started attacking others too. Here, on Twitter, and at rbmbs. I guess she didn't like my letter. Then some folks got understandably upset and started dishing it back to her, indirectly, amongst themselves, and she was all like waaaaaaaaaahhh. Poor Bunny. Nobody can say I didn't try. My heart was beating so fast when she was here being mean to me. My first impulse was to be mean back. I was ready to write a really mean spin-off on the really mean parody. I was cracking myself up and ready to roll. It would have been hilarious and satisfying, yet it would have been mean. And that's not me.

I pretty much decided to take my own advice and step away from the mean Bunny. I said what I had to say, and she is so troubled I just don't even want to be responsible for her fur falling out or a little mean bunny heart attack. It is quite apparent that I am only feeding the meanies by allowing them any importance to me. How important do I want them to be in my life? Only I have the power to make that choice.

I hope for Bunny that someday she will be able to let go of all the hate. It is poison. I promise. There are not many certanties in life, but that is one of them.

Bunny might be the meanest of the meanies, but perhaps because she is the most vulnerable. It is apparent that Bunny is trying desperately to recover from her hurt and her hate by writing and promoting hateful things both in her rbmbs blog and in her tweets, thoughts and feelings and delusions that are instantly validated by other meanies and folks who have bought in to the hate parade. As long as her main focus is on hate, I just don't see that recovery from hate working out for her. 

There were some hateful tweets that she did reconsider and delete, I attest. That is a good thing. That showed to me that she is perhaps not as nasty as she portrays, and that she may even be a good person with a conscience and a heart afterall. You might not know what I'm talking about, but she does.

I feel like the reason Bunny's hate has escalated to such heights and the reason that she always compares those who are responsible (in her eyes) for her woes to jodiarias, is largely, if not entirely, the fault of Meanie B. 

Meanie is the one who broke the catfish story in the middle of this emotional and extremely frustrating trial and in such a way that it brought maximum damage, not only to Kelly, but also to Bunny herself, and to everyone involved. Really what does all this matter? Maybe Kelly is who she says she is. Maybe she's not. I just don't understand the hate propoganda. I have faith that karma will iron it all out.

As for Meanie B, mean girls club president, I have already voiced my disgust. I will certainly keep my eye on her for future musings. She is such a good faker. She obviously has nothing better to do than dig up dirt and gossip and try to hurt people all the while promoting herself. It is quite a talent to incite such hate in others, and by the way that isn't a quality that karma likes so much. Meanie is the center of it all, using her fake flowery talk and "superiority" and "facts" to encourage hate and flame the fires of rumor and gossip. I must say I am impressed at Meanie's abilities in the mean and deceptive and self-serving departments. 

Meanie's hat is a puzzle to me, both light and dark and very smart but very controlling. Like the orchestra conductor with her baton. But no instrument of her own.

 All weekend the meanies have been going on and on being mean and patting each other on the back. Each has their own important role in the meanie club. Guess what, I'm bored with your meanness and I have better things to do. People like that do not even deserve my attention. The meanies are seriously obsessed and relentless. And I am seriously over it.

As I was considering what to write about next, last night I decided to turn the page and live by example. I did not want to become what I was condemning or behave like those people that I disapprove of, I don't want to be mean and I'm no bully. I'm just thinking out loud, trying to understand why grown women would act this way. The meanies continue to spend their days, literally hours on end, even after all these weeks, still saying mean things about other people and challenging anyone who does not agree with them. But they do not even challenge with any intelligent debate, they only attack by being mean. They can, and they have proven, that they will continue to do so. Probably for the rest of their something-is-missing lives. They have demonstrated that they have no interest in bettering themselves, because they already believe that they are better than everyone else.

This weekend the Mean girls club started circulating several articles speaking out against cyber bullying!!! What the what?! Are you kidding me? 

That was the final straw that had me come to terms with the fact that they are hopeless. Bunny even ventured to say that "people take the internet much too seriously". Yeah, newsflash, they do you meanie. They are thoughtful intelligent sensitive human beings with feelings and families and weaknesses behind those screennames. But for you, it's just fun to be mean. That's how you get your kicks.

This whole experience has my mind reeling about the whole concept of what makes a person "mean". What makes a person want to intentionally hurt other people? Why do some people think they are more important than others? Why do some people take pleasure in making another person cry? What made me feel the need to stand up against the meanies enough to start this blog? I have a lot of ideas on where I will go from here, but one thing is for sure, I am turning the page. 

Because unlike the meanies, I can.

I spent the day preparing my humble abode to receive my elementary school son's Odyssey of the Mind team tomorrow. What a great group of sweet and smart kids. Children bring such joy to life. Usually we meet up at another mom's house, but I volunteered for tomorrow. I always clean the house top to bottom when somebody who has never come over before is coming over, but this time my guests will include my son's teacher! Meep! My grandmother has told me again and again that her daddy always told her you only have one chance for a first impression. 

After all the preparations at my house, we went over to my Grandad's and saw the whole extended family. The old folks, the grown-ups, the youngins, the children, and the babies. There was so much laughter and love. That's what it's all about. 

So now here I sit, quietly by the fireplace, in my gorgeous and sparkly clean little happy house that I love. Isn't it fabulous to love where you are in life? It really is. Houses are made from brick and stone, but homes are made from love alone. And no meanies can touch that.

Wednesday, February 18, 2015

Tuesday, February 17, 2015

A letter for Bunny

So, Bunny came to me and asked me to read her latest blog post over on rbmbs. It was definitely a heart-felt request, almost polite (well, at least not mean) and obviously important to her so I did. 

Here are my thoughts to her:

A very interesting read and well written too. You certainly have talent and thoughtfulness. However, you still have not addressed the relentless cruel propganda against another person issue, which is the whole reason I started this blog. Another problem I had was that again you are drawing parallels between Kelly, or anyone who supports her blog, and the murderer jodiarias (many have referred to JA followers as "drinking the koolaid"). 

The content and voice in this post were a step in the right direction, but its intentions were still hateful. Why can't you write about your experience in a way that people can relate to you? Tell your story in order to help others that you feel may fall prey to such a situation that you feel you fell victim to? As for your "regularly scheduled program", I understand wanting to do a parody, I am speaking from experience when I say that it is indeed satisfying when you are upset to go for the satire (reference my first post ever, Meanie B.'s debut).

But I still honestly do not get why it is still happening, why you persist. The snowball effect going on in conversations is everywhere. Everyone is Kelly and Kelly is Sandra and Sandra is MDLR and *breakingnews* MDLR is now Kareem. Yes I am kidding, but the conspiracy theory is alive and well in the meanie camp. And if someone doesn't agree they are pretty much told to STFU. My not understanding is not for lack of trying. I am usually very diplomatic. Why is rbmbs still there, in real-time, mocking Kelly's words almost just as she types them? what purpose does it serve if not to bully and promote hate towards RBMD? It is clear in the comments of your blog that hate is thriving.

For the record, the catfish story written by Meanie proved absolutely nothing to me. My basic instinct is that Meanie's story was all about a personal grudge, she saw a golden opportunity to gain loyalty and secure more followers. My take is that it was about promoting herself and not about helping you or anybody.  I just wish it all would have been handled differently, vs in the public forum of the JA trial. I don't know that I will ever be able to see eye to eye with you because of your blind loyalty to someone I find to be a fraud herself. 

The more I read Meanie, and all her "mentions", the more I think she has her own agenda. I find her to be a snotty and pretentious "muffin, my dear, lmao." Always reminding everyone how noble she is and that she is a reporter. Whatever, I'm a reporter too. I am a journalist. Because I report things, and I journal things. Big whoop. There is not a single true professional out there that feels the need to constantly remind their readers that they are professional. It speaks for itself and she is no professional in my book - if she is she sure doesn't act like one. Not by a mile. She totally rubs me the wrong way, the way she abuses her "position".  A professional should not be applauding hateful messages and insults, she should be encouraging understanding and diplomacy. Anyway that is not for us to argue, that is a whole other monster.

So revenons à nos moutons, my beef is that you have recruited and continue to promote hate and to recruit more people via rbmbs, tweets, and retweets to hate with you. I just really honestly think that is wrong. Even if Kelly had robbed your house and stolen your car while you were away and you had left her the keys to watch your cats bc you trusted her more than anyone, I still don't see why you have to try so hard to get everyone else to hate her. I don't hate her. I actually like her a lot because her blog makes me laugh every day and laughter adds value to my life. I am not emotionally or financially invested in her or any internet friends to the point that it could shake my existence the way this all seems to have shaken yours. My liking her or enjoying her writing is my choice and my problem, if it ever were to become a problem that's on me. Everyone is fighting their own battles and everyone has their own demons, there is no need to be mean to others.

Instead of writing such a cruel parody that keeps you all wrapped up and tied together for eternity, why can't you turn the page and use your talent, quick wit, and humor to talk about the issues that you hold so close to your heart? In a way that is not being mean to others, but in a way that inspires others?

Sunday, February 15, 2015

Holier than thou

Mixing trolls, trialwatchers, and regular people all up into the same soup, that is the problem. Why is it that anyone who disagrees with the Meanie club is thrown into the same category? Today we are "Spanky's gang" hanging around "Meanie's office." Since when is the internet Meanie's office? 
We are all Kelly!

Oh-tay. I would be insulted except oh gee, according to you, I don't get your references since I am from a trailer park, I am uneducated, and I cannot live up to the intellectual standards of the "reader base" on your bully blog. Are you serious? Trailer park? Really? From the start, I was just trying to stand up for an underdog who I felt was being bullied by a bunch of mean girls with nothing better to do. But now I am beginning to take it all rather personally. What is wrong with you Meanie? Don't you strive to be a "professional journalist" and "reporter"? Why do you continue to surround yourself with people who demonstrate such a lack of moral character? As for those "people", I won't even bother, as arguments just go in one ear and out their ass. Yeah, if you didn't notice, I decided this is my blog afterall, and I can say ass if I want to.

You see, I really don't like confrontation. At all. Usually in my day to day life I completely avoid confrontation of any kind at all costs. I was just a trial watcher, who stumbled across some ladies with an exaggerated opinion of their own importance. I am just a mom, who happens to have an amazing little family, and an otherwise happy existence. But you meanies got me all worked up. My husband thought he had enough worries when I was all upset about jodiarias. Whodathunk I would have ended up here on my soapbox? Not me. He teases me now every time I have something to say, whether it's about the bills or the laundry or the neighbor's dog knocking over the garbage, saying "why don't you write a blog about it?" My little boy is proud of me "are you writing another article mom?" for standing up to a bunch of meanies. My life is good without the bs. But I just can't help myself.

Understand that now, Meanie, it's not just the trolls or jodiarias supporters like SW or GB or whatever who are resenting you,  but it is also your former readers and fans. I'm fairly certain you will have a snappy comeback to let me know you don't want readers like me anyway. Don't they do seminars on sensitivity training or something like that at the Examiner? I know you don't care what I think, but I would highly suggest you give it a go. Not too long ago I enjoyed your articles, just like I enjoy reading RBMD, the 13thJuror, Jen'sTrialDiaries, CourtChatter, and lots more. No matter how not-a-real-journalist your articles are, it was always interesting to have another perspective.  Regardless of your credentials or not-credentials, I still enjoyed reading you very much, if only to have a summary of the week's events and hear your thoughts, and to browse through the thoughts of other readers in the comments. Now I have found that I, a trial watcher, a mom, a person with an MBA and experience living and working abroad, am so turned off by your holier-than-thou attitude and the utter caca that happens in the comments of your articles. It is seriously spiraling out of control. Haven't you noticed?

As a reader or Disqus user, unless you have passed rush week with the dingbats running the show over on Meanie's comments pages, you might as well give up trying to have a worthwhile discussion about anything. If you are not part of the lovie-dovie "you tell 'em gf" you-kiss-my-ass-i'll-kiss-yours club, you might as well forget it. It left me discouraged with the human race and inspired me to publish my opinion here. 

I just hope for people to think for themselves instead of jumping on a lynch mob bandwagon. I would like for people to reconsider how they interact with and treat other people on Twitter and online in general. Say what you want, and justify all you want, rbmbs is nothing but a bully blog intended to hurt somebody. I don't believe the self-proclaimed innocent "just for fun" noble intentions any more than I believed Meanie's noble intentions when she wrote her catfish article. 

This small group of angry friends has taken me back many years to highschool hallways where I was too intimidated to stand up for myself or others, or say what I thought and stand up for what is right. Kindness is right. Empathy is right. Forgiveness is right. Relentless hateful propoganda about another person is NOT RIGHT*. So I will keep saying it as long as you keep saying otherwise. I've seen much talk of "hiding behind aliases" and "chickenshit  anonymity" which I find quite hypocritical, considering that I am arguing with a "Wife" and a "Tie". Yeah, enough with "Bunny" and "Meanie's hat". It is what it is. 

*(disclaimer: unless that person is a convicted murderer!)

Why would a "journalist" associate herself so closely with such a trashy blog? The obvious is obvious, because these people praise Meanie, and make her feel important. Meanie likes to feel important. What about professional courtesy to your audience? To the public? To readers everywhere? If your intention was to insult us, you have succeeded. I have said it before and I'll say it again, no one can expect to be friends with everyone on the internet; but if you are a professional in a public forum, when you start insulting and judging your readers and people that you do not know, you are digging yourself into a hole.

The nannynannybooboos have continued on Twitter, same old boring insults, though not directly to me. And now they are deflecting, calling me and others bullies for calling them out as bullies. For the record, I never called anyone a whore. I do not know who did or where. Never in my life did I call anyone a whore. I do openly admit that I referred to Bunny as a DrunkenHousewife in a tweet yesterday - though my purpose was not namecalling, it was to hint readers to her "real name" that has something to do with Martinis and something to do with being a Wife.

So, as for Kelly, RBMD, who has already been royally thrown under the bus - I am not her. I am also not a troll. I am also not SW or joesantos or O Hai or any of those nasty buggers on anybody's comments pages. If I make comments anywhere I use my name, and I do not sneak in any jabs. That is not me. I do not threaten people. I am appalled at some of the horrific and sometimes scary things I see people saying out there. I don't know why the meanie club still thinks everybody is the same person with bunch of aliases. Tinfoil hat, anyone? If that subject interests you, just check out my last blog post, "One step forward two steps back" for a few zillion examples.

I am a real person (no, I will not send you documentation for that!)

I enjoy Twitter and all the interesting discussions we have, and all of the funny, talented, and smart folks that I have met online in the course of this trial seeking JUSTICEFORTRAVISALEXANDER.  What I find disgusting is that hideous blog, where some people have made a hobby out of being pointedly, relentlessly and regularly mean. We can talk definitions of "parody" and "bully" all day long, but rbmbs is intentionally and determinedly cruel. I have previously acknowledged the fact that whatever may have happened may have hurt people, but this persistent viciousness cannot be justified. No matter what you say, or what Kelly did or didn't do to you, your endless mockery IS bullying. And the icing on the cake is that the "journalist" who broke this story, this story that stinks of a personal grudge, that no real reporter would touch with a 10-foot pole, is not only allowing the bullying, but encouraging it.

Thursday, February 12, 2015

One step forward two steps back

Meanie thinks she is hot stuff

Wow, things have really gotten ugly over on Meanie's comments page. While the rest of the world has moved on, Meanie just won't let it go. I cannot believe the hundreds, literally hundreds and hundreds of comments made by the same small handful of people that are just nasty, mean and frankly stupid. It appears that they enjoy that sort of thing.

In my last post we looked a bit at all the strange goings-on regarding that cease & desist letter circulated by SW. But honestly, who cares? It has nothing to do with the trial and nobody cares. Either it is a real letter from a lawyer representing MDLR (doubtful), a fake by SW (probably), or a publicity stunt by Meanie herself (maybe). If you can make it through the comments of Meanie's page, you will see that Meanie and Sammie (Meanie's hat) claim that the letter is not a fake and was an actual letter received from MDLR's email via Feedback on the Examiner webpage. They say it was a real letter but they do not believe it to have any merit. Funny though, because Meanie has failed to mention MDLR by name ever since. She lets the other meanies do that for her. Nobody cares anyway. It has nothing to do with the trial and is just more #bloggerdrama. I bet Meanie wishes Nurmi would file a motion against her, that would bring in a bunch more readers for sure! Hmmm note to self, roadtrip?

There has always been a troll problem over there on Meanie's comments page. 

A few weeks ago, RBMD, aka Kelly, rallied her readers to go to Meanie's page and help defend Meanie who was being attacked by mean trolls. Last week Meanie had to take down comments pages on some select articles (especially the ones where people criticized what she wrote) because of mean trolls. Now the latest not-the-trial news by Meanie is is that all the trolls are Kelly. Apparently I am also a troll and I am also Kelly. Really? I am not the only reader who chose not to bother going over there any more, but according to the meanies, we are all the same person and we are all the troll and we are all Kelly. I finally just opted to use this blog instead to voice my thoughts, vs be attacked by meanies. Personally I do not thrive on being insulted just because I don't agree with you. Somebody with anger issues named "Jane" deserves a special mention for winning the gold star in making herself look ridiculous. The scary thing is she is proud of herself and her juvenile rants. Meanie applauds her and says "You tell 'em gf!" Contrary to Jane, at least Meanie and Meanie's hat have some brains in their head, even if they are mean brains. Scrolling through comments, you can watch them dance with the trolls and egg each other on. It's just ridiculousness at its finest.

Everybody is jealous

Jealousy is the other main subject of the intellectual and stimulating discussions going on over there. I have seen that word so many times, it is apparent, that everyone else's jealousy of Meanie is an important undercurrent of everything Meanie has to say.

In honor of Meanie's writing style, I will now insert a bunch of quotes of stuff other people said. Please note, not a single one of these people being "served" (Meanie's words not mine) claim to be Kelly, nor do I personally think they are Kelly. Some I believe are legitimate users who disagree with her, others just real live mean trolls trying to stir up drama. The following very professional journalist jealousy references and Kelly conspiracy theory quotes are directly from the comments page on the article about Dr.Demarte, mostly from Meanie herself, and a few bonus quotes from Jane and Meanie's hat,

"You poor jealous sap"

"Say hai to 'kelly' for me. Tell her the alias nonsense is childish and if she wants to say something to me to put her big girl pants on and just do it, mmk?"

"You're so jealous you can't see straight. Meanie wins again."

"Aw i'm sowwy there isn't anybody to 'like' your posts...did someone instruct or shall we say influence you to come and slam my article?"

"Promise, 'kelly'?"

"Remember Carmen said that. I think she's forgetting which alias she's using."

(That one was for me! Smiling face with open mouth and smiling eyes)

"Kelly, kelly, kelly"

"Kelly, Kelly, Kelly, Kelly, Kelly, Kelly, Kelly, Kelly, K-E-L-L-Yyyyyyyyy"

"Don't you find it strange that O Hai got awfully angry with you after you exposed Kelly?"

"I do find it interesting that 'Not Kellys' response to you included the word 'fear' a lot...'Not Kelly Kelly Kelly' is talking a LOT about not being scared, huh?"

"Liar, liar pants on fire attention ho! Shut it wind bag. Go play in traffic. Your drool is useless here."

"He's a jealous blogger who only writes poor garbage."

"Meanie is a trained journalist and is very good at it. Trust me. I know what I'm talking about."

"Why are you so jealous of journalists?"


"All 'NotKelly' slash 'Faker' knows how to do is cut and paste and plagiarize other people...she is too busy scamming other people for money for herself on her 'don't let me freeze to death and die of hypothetmia' blog."

"Maybe you should call your welfare people and tell them that you need more money in your meds budget."

"They are also not supposed to be colluding with bloggers to stalk and harrass reporters (Meanie) either."

"Wanna banana tubby? Why you feel the need to create all these fake accounts...Now get your fat azz back to Kelly's blog."

"That's a lot of rage you have going on, Faker. What's really the matter?..what is it Muffin? What's really buggin' ya? That yall got busted again?"

"Your transparent alias is too long so I'm going to start calling you 'Faker', mm k?"

"It sounds like a jealous beast to me."

"I know of special sweaters that hug you the WHOLE time you are wearing them! Maybe I need to send that blogger a couple lol."

"Stop libeling me with your are a known liar and plagiarist...where I in one of the wealthiest towns in a house on a family compound in a high tax base"

(Seriously, who says that?)

"All of the iron clad facts that I have reported check out."

(Says who? Reminder: "The Examiner does not control Content...nor guarantee truthfulness, integrity, suitability, or quality"

"Aww hit a nerve did I? lol that actually makes my day."

"You tell her gf. She's losing it. Shouldn't she be over consoling Cha Cha?...I thought she told everyone on her blog not to harass you. Whatever happened to THAT?!"

"Thank you! I actually am a Brainiac and appreciate the compliment. Unlike yourself, I am not however mentally ill....So it's either you writing this, or your pot smoking atheist 'husband'..."

"If only you knew how to use that word correctly. But that's ok we understand. There's not much time to study vocabulary after you spend your days making up lies, begging for money..., and plagiarizing blog content. I do get a nice little laugh every time you say out loud I am copying you since everyone knows who the real plagiarist and liar is. That's why you don't have any readers any more sweetie."

"I've already proven you aren't smarter than me."

"Learn to read mind midget...You're just another scamming troll like her."

"Do you think you and George will share a cell? Seems you two are an item. How gay are you?"

"That is lame and makes you look pathetic."

"Says the troll using multiple accts to prove what a lowlife lunatic she is."

"Words from someone who hides behind the truth don't bother me, or my journalist friends. Why do you hate us much? Never mind. We know it's jealousy."

"Journalist. Do you like, start to itch and stuff and get sweaty and hivey every time you hear that word or something? Journalist. It's weird how much that word bothers you. That is not in any range of sane whatsoever. Journalist. Your failure to accept what is does not change that it is. Journalist. Want some Benadryl?"

"No see, because I am a journalist that submits to a news desk...because I'm here working my journalisty news job.."

"...are you just back here under another alias after someone not very cleverly named 'Not Kelly' got her a$$ handed to her this morning. Watching yall melt down is, as Jane said, rather enjoyable. Thank you!"

"Let me assure you that I am not obsessing over this the way you want me to"

So, does a true professional behave this way in a public forum? Even if being attacked by trolls, the answer is NO.

Just sayin'.

Monday, February 9, 2015

A gentle reminder: Be kind to others

...or else!
Bunny and friends couldn't help themselves and sent me one little ol' *snickersnicker* tweet to let me know a new post was up on rbmbs. It was quite silly of them actually, and I was pleasantly surprised that overall the meanie club has been relatively nice for the most part, not really being mean, apart from that hideous blog. We shall see what tomorrow brings! I know they don't care what I think, and they say it is "just for fun", but regardless of what happened between them and RBMD, I don't like the lynch mob approach. 

A pack of wild meanies in their natural habitat
I just feel like by maintaining such a thing, which obviously requires visiting, revisiting, and studying Kelly's blogs and then mimicking content, they are only opening old wounds, putting salt on a sore...Hurting themselves and hurting someone else too. 

My experience is that continuing to revel in the hate is really unhealthy. I find that women tend to do it more than men. A wise man once said, "Guys just punch once, shake hands, have beers!"  Live and let live I suppose, an Indian chief I once met said, "Whatever blows your feathers back".  Neither Bunny nor Sammie (Meanie's Hat), nor any of the meanie club claim to be journalists and they have the right to tweet whatever they want to each other. Laissez-faire.

Meanie however, has a responsibility to her readers to be diplomatic and maintain professionalism. I think she still has a lot to learn from her peers on how to handle trolls, but more importantly how to handle folks with differing opinions. She should lead by example, but instead she eggs on the fights and namecalling and conspiracy theories. Next thing you know all the trolls are Kelly. I got called Kelly myself once, in an indirect way, by Meanie herself, and I was also called joesantos by a Meanie follower. The comments pages of her articles are a free-for-all and often drift off rapidly into the ridiculous and nasty. I really don't understand why adults behave that way. 

In other news, this weekend there was a fake letter dated January 7, circulated by SW, regarding a "cease and desist" defamation of ChaCha order for Meanie. Honestly, there is no way that letter was written by a lawyer. First of all any respectable law firm I've ever seen has a formal letterhead. There were way too many mistakes including punctuation, missing zip code, no land line phone number or fax number, no address for the addressee, misspelled words, and more. A Twitter friend also pointed out to me that the letter failed to cite specific examples of content to be removed. A blatant giveaway for me was that the letter was addressed to Meanie at The Examiner NEWSPAPER. The Examiner is not a newspaper. And any lawyer who knows how to google would easily find that The Examiner does not take any responsibility whatsoever and is not liable for the content of any articles found on their site. It is the author's responsibility, and I will take this opportunity to remind you that just because you read it on Meanie's blog does not mean it is true, or as we jodiarias trialwatchers might say, it is not "the gospel". Here is a link to the terms of service, which not only prohibit insults and so forth by all users (epic fail) but also include a disclaimer for all content

The fake c&d letter had Twitter all a-twit, and as I was wondering why SW would single out Meanie, suddenly Meanie posted a new article, almost simultaneous to the SW leak. SW herself also proudly posted a copy of this letter to Meanie's article comments page. The "trolls" were all over Meanie's comments, which obviously increases traffic. Meanie even tweeted drphil with her standard "<3 mentioned!" which I thought was just an obvious stretch for attention. An observant tweeter simply tweeted "#bloggerdrama". To sum up, all this put together, as an Examiner I know would say, "interesting, no?"
I saw a lot more of the newest honorary meanie club member who had called me a retard, among other things. He hasn't bugged me personally since, but he was disrespectful and nasty to a lot of other trialwatchers this weekend. I made sure to show my support by "favoriting" bunches of tweets of all the folks who were victim to his meanness. He's the kind of guy that jumps right in and starts cussing at you. I saw him do it to at least five others. He did me the same. Apparently he likes drama. He's quite a meanie. He must really need a hug.

Please remember


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Friday, February 6, 2015

Aaaaand still being mean....

Hi. I am Carmen Geditt. I fired Meanie because she was too mean and unprofessional. I wasn't going to post anything further, ever. My original intent was to "out" the meanies and hope they would stop being mean. I knew they wouldn't like it, but I thought that maybe, just maybe, they would be embarrassed of their behavior since they are all supposedly adults, but alas, they just got mad and more mean. Meanies everywhere agreed that Meanie's blog was like that of an elementary school project. Meanies tweeted me and called it a crap blog and also compared it to 3rd and 4th grade level work. That is another reason I fired her. Too many empty words filling the page, too many quotes, and too many unconfirmed sources.

Meanwhile rbmbs has posted a bunch more blogposts, I know because she is always sure to mention me when she tweets it out.  Still nothing from Meanie though since the Bishop. I guess she has been too busy being mean to work on an article about the trial. Anyway, they gave me so much ammo over the past 24 hours that I just had to write some more. I am not a journalist. I never claimed to be a reporter. I am not a blogger. I am Anonymous!
Anonymous doesn't like meanies

I never use anyone's real names, nor screenshots, because I do not think that is appropriate. Don't worry though, I have a nice collection for reference. I am always civil. I do not pick fights or encourage bullies. Everytime a meanie "mentions" me or bullies me on twitter, I just request to be removed, with a link to here, to expose their meanness.

It is amazing to me how some adults behave on social media. Heaven forbid you challenge their sense of their own importance. I would like to address name-calling on Twitter. We are all adults here, right? We can discuss things without resorting to name-calling? I had one person say that I was a hypocrite (but in not-so-nice a way), because I was following a hashtag where everybody is making fun of jodiarias. Mind you, there is a lot of name-calling in that regard and I am participating. But she is a convicted murderer and that is why we are all here, isn't it? We want #JUSTICEFORTRAVISALEXANDER and to laugh together and discuss and share information about this trial - this neverending trial that has us all going nuts. I do not see how that has anything to do with trialwatchers being disrespectful to each other in a public forum.

I actually had a hashtag #NannyNannyBooBoo thismorning.
Since last night, I had to request like 100 times to be removed from discussions that I didn't want anything to do with. Can't they give it a rest? I guess not, so neither will I. These people have blocked me, are talking bad about me, posting screenshots and making fun of me, and yet they tag me in their conversation. I do not block them because I do not want them out there tagging me in their nonsense, and I want to monitor that. I admit that at first I had difficulty not replying to people prodding me. I even tried to "agree to disagree" or defend myself at times. But I'm getting better at just ignoring it. I only directly "mentioned" one meanie, one time, when I first started this blog. It was to Bunny, in direct reply to her blog, with my blog. What's good for the goose is good for the gander, no? Any other tweets I made to any meanies were in Reply to "please be removed". Subsequently, the meanies, including Meanie herself, referred to my many (ignored) requests by saying "is there an echo in here?" and "LOL somebody is upset!" with attached screenshots of my request to be removed. And more name calling, and continued retweets with my name attached...this inspired me to continue what I started.

Now for statistics. A few hundred folks have at least seen what I have to say and that is all that matters, getting it out there. Here is a cool picture of who has visited.

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I have nothing to lose by calling out meanies, I do not claim to be a professional in this public forum. I do, however, claim to be a person who thinks we should all at least make an effort to respect each other. So far I had 4 people thank me and tell me they agreed with me standing up to the meanies. 4 is 4 more than none. I also can add one new meanie to the group, who felt compelled to send me a video calling me a retard.

I recently read an article about the Twitter CEO, that says he is quite ashamed and takes responsibility for not controlling trolls and bullies in the Twitterverse. Here it is