...or else! |
Bunny and friends couldn't help themselves and sent me one little ol' *snickersnicker* tweet to let me know a new post was up on rbmbs. It was quite silly of them actually, and I was pleasantly surprised that overall the meanie club has been relatively nice for the most part, not really being mean, apart from that hideous blog. We shall see what tomorrow brings! I know they don't care what I think, and they say it is "just for fun", but regardless of what happened between them and RBMD, I don't like the lynch mob approach.
A pack of wild meanies in their natural habitat |
I just feel like by maintaining such a thing, which obviously requires visiting, revisiting, and studying Kelly's blogs and then mimicking content, they are only opening old wounds, putting salt on a sore...Hurting themselves and hurting someone else too.
My experience is that continuing to revel in the hate is really unhealthy. I find that women tend to do it more than men. A wise man once said, "Guys just punch once, shake hands, have beers!" Live and let live I suppose, an Indian chief I once met said, "Whatever blows your feathers back". Neither Bunny nor Sammie (Meanie's Hat), nor any of the meanie club claim to be journalists and they have the right to tweet whatever they want to each other. Laissez-faire.
Meanie however, has a responsibility to her readers to be diplomatic and maintain professionalism. I think she still has a lot to learn from her peers on how to handle trolls, but more importantly how to handle folks with differing opinions. She should lead by example, but instead she eggs on the fights and namecalling and conspiracy theories. Next thing you know all the trolls are Kelly. I got called Kelly myself once, in an indirect way, by Meanie herself, and I was also called joesantos by a Meanie follower. The comments pages of her articles are a free-for-all and often drift off rapidly into the ridiculous and nasty. I really don't understand why adults behave that way.

In other news, this weekend there was a fake letter dated January 7, circulated by SW, regarding a "cease and desist" defamation of ChaCha order for Meanie. Honestly, there is no way that letter was written by a lawyer. First of all any respectable law firm I've ever seen has a formal letterhead. There were way too many mistakes including punctuation, missing zip code, no land line phone number or fax number, no address for the addressee, misspelled words, and more. A Twitter friend also pointed out to me that the letter failed to cite specific examples of content to be removed. A blatant giveaway for me was that the letter was addressed to Meanie at The Examiner NEWSPAPER. The Examiner is not a newspaper. And any lawyer who knows how to google would easily find that The Examiner does not take any responsibility whatsoever and is not liable for the content of any articles found on their site. It is the author's responsibility, and I will take this opportunity to remind you that just because you read it on Meanie's blog does not mean it is true, or as we jodiarias trialwatchers might say, it is not "the gospel". Here is a link to the terms of service, which not only prohibit insults and so forth by all users (epic fail) but also include a disclaimer for all content
The fake c&d letter had Twitter all a-twit, and as I was wondering why SW would single out Meanie, suddenly Meanie posted a new article, almost simultaneous to the SW leak. SW herself also proudly posted a copy of this letter to Meanie's article comments page. The "trolls" were all over Meanie's comments, which obviously increases traffic. Meanie even tweeted drphil with her standard "<3 mentioned!" which I thought was just an obvious stretch for attention. An observant tweeter simply tweeted "#bloggerdrama". To sum up, all this put together, as an Examiner I know would say, "interesting, no?"
I saw a lot more of the newest honorary meanie club member who had called me a retard, among other things. He hasn't bugged me personally since, but he was disrespectful and nasty to a lot of other trialwatchers this weekend. I made sure to show my support by "favoriting" bunches of tweets of all the folks who were victim to his meanness. He's the kind of guy that jumps right in and starts cussing at you. I saw him do it to at least five others. He did me the same. Apparently he likes drama. He's quite a meanie. He must really need a hug.
Please remember
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